We provide support to clients to different extents and in various phases of renovation and construction intervention planning, as follows:

  • Professional field consultancy.
  • Inspection and probing of the facility as well as quality investigations of the installed materials.
  • Development of guidelines for successful renovation.
  • Development of technological remediation procedures.
  • Professional assistance to designers for the set of remediation works.
  • Planning of infrastructure objects.
  • Architectural design of buildings and single houses.
  • Supervision of implementation of the renovation and construction works.
  • Preparation of technological studies.

Za pravilno delovanje spletišča se včasih na vašo napravo naložijo majhne podatkovne datoteke imenovane piškotki, ki so nujni za delovanje in so že dovoljeni. Vaša izbira je, da dovolite ali zavrnete piškotke analitike in trženja, ki nudijo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo.